Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I heard angels sing today...

I have to say thanks to my friend Donna, who is absolutely FABULOUS, she suggested Kohls for my red heels!
And Kohl's delivered!!!
I picked up these bad boys today! and I absolutely love them.
It was really hard not to bust out in song when I found them!! I can't wait to wear them on Sunday!!!
Anyway thanks for letting me go on for a minute here!! I am just so blasted excited! This has been a 2 year mission.


AudyCamp said...

A PINK laptop & RED shoes...what more could a girl want?!! :)

Donna said...

Those were my first choice!! If the heels were black I so would have gotten them. So I got my second choice instead and I am still in love and happy.

Lonni said...

I love them! Your husband is so sweet to plan that surprize party for you.....and the pink laptop, how sweet!

Kristine said...

very cute! I know how long you have been looking so that's awesome.

Nettie said...

It was so good to see you twice in one week! Those shoes are great...and I'm not even that big of a shoe fan. Good job!

Brooke Colvin said...

Jen, it was so fun to see you at playgroup on Wed. I love those red shoes too, but I am not coordinated enough to walk in 4-inch heels! I am sure they will be adorable with your black and white polka dot dress. I can picture it now. Oh, I talked to a few scrapbook moms today who may want to buy some kits from you. Are you planning another Casa Grande trip any time soon?? Just let me know.

Nichole said...

Oh! I'm SO glad you found them at last! And you crack me up with the angels singing. . . .

Brimhall Bunch said...

4" heels? No thanks I'd trip and kill myself! So will you be taller than Eliott?

Anonymous said...

HOORAY!! You so have earned them!!

Brianne said...

Those are some awesome shoes. If I wasn't feeling so big in the belly at the moment I would be on a mission for a dress to go with those shoes and then I would buy those shoes too! Such a lucky girl you are! Oh, and I love the pink laptop. Sounds very cute and so much like something you would have.

Erin said...

Nothing is better than a pair of rockin' red heels! I love mine and look for all sorts of excuses to wear them. Shoes are just one of the simpler things in life that can bring a woman such joy! :)

Jacey said...

How fun! Happy belated b-day! Even though the kids were sick, it sounds like everything worked out! A surprise party, laptop and shoes, FABULOUS!

Kathryn Olsen said...

Beautiful! You are always so darn cute! Miss seeing you at church and all your cute shoes! :)