Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oh Riley!

So this is what Riley tells me today while she is eating dinner:
(said w/ exasperation)
Riley: Mom?
me: yes
Riley: Everyday I keep thinking about Jesus
me: Well that's good
Riley: I mean it's every Sunday, everday, all day everyday even at meal times, I just can't stop thinking of Jesus! It's all the time, every day! *sigh*

I don't really know what to make of that silly girl!!


Tawni said...

That's really cute!

Brianne said...

wow, that's usually not the number one thing on a childs mind. That's awesome.

Brooke Colvin said...

She is too cute! And of all things to think about all day, every day, that's definitely up there with the best!

Anonymous said...

Hmm. You're doing something right! I love the Rye.