Sunday, May 10, 2009


Lately I've been missing this lady
I''ve been missing the innocence of her
I've been missing the laughter
I've been missing the loveI've been missing the grandma
I've been sad that none of my kids will remember her
I've been missing the person she is

I miss my mom! And on days like this it makes it worse!


TheLadiesRoom said...

This made me cry Jen. I'm sorry for your loss. Your Mom is such an Awesome lady. I love her! Thinking of you.... =)

AudyCamp said...

What a sweet post for your Mom. I'm so sorry & I'm sure days like this are hard.

BUIS LIFE... said...

I always think of you today. What a beautiful tribute to your mom. She seems likes such a fabulous lady!

Brianne said...

This post made me cry. I don't usually cry but with pregnancy hormones I am the biggest cry baby in the world these days. I am sorry that you miss her so much. What a bummer that you have to get through days like this.

Scott & Natalie sherwood said...

What a sweet tribute to your mom. Even though you can't see her,I am sure she is with you.

Brooke Colvin said...

I am sorry Jen, that must be so hard. I taught a Mother's Day lesson in YW yesterday and one of the leaders just lossed her mother, so it was very emotional for her. I can't imagine what that would be like. I hope you were able to find comfort and feel that she is still close to you.

Nettie said...

Oh Jen! That was so nice. I loved seeing more pictures of your mom. I can see a little of you in her (or would it be a little of her in you?). I don't know how you feel, but I can imagine that Mother's Day would be hard because she's not here. I can tell you miss her a lot. Hang in there. Love ya!

Lonni said...

She looks so fun Jen. I'm sorry you have to miss her. Mother's Day would be hard..... Sad for you.

Brimhall Bunch said...

Oh that was such an awesome post!I'm sorry the day was so hard for you but happy you were able to appreciate the day. oh and thanks alot for making me cry! Love ya!!

Kristine said...

What sweet pictures and thoughts of her. You should know that all those things you miss about her, are qualities you have. What a great Mom.

Cookie Mama said...

What a sweet post, it makes me want to be a better mom. I am sure she was an amazing mom and is proud of the daughter she has in you.

Kelly said...

That was such a sweet post...your mom and I had some really good times together...she was a great lady! Thank you for sharing.

Annie said...

I remember when she died and thinking that you were so strong. I really admired that. I can only imagine how much you must miss her. That's a sweet tribute to her.