Saturday, January 15, 2011

hmmm what to do...

Well blogland, I am not gonna lie, I love comments! If I didn't like them or didn't care if anybody read my blog or not then I would just have it private and keep it to myself. I have gotten emails from people telling me to keep blogging when I start to slack. So if you want me to keep posting then you better start commenting. GOT IT LURKERS?!!



Jessica/Patrick said...

Got it.

Nichole said...

I don't get it. Is this "comment or die" or "post or die". I'm so confused. . .

Janey said...


Lonni said...

LOL...I agree! I love getting comments too. I usually just look at your blog but I will post comments for sure!

BUIS LIFE... said...

Please oh please keep posting Jen. Please oh please! (How was that??)

:) said...


Brianne said...

GOT IT! (you crack me up). Just to clear things up for you sounds to me like "comment or die". :)

Tawni said...

Well, I would leave comments IF you started blogging! Come on Jen, you slacker!!

AudyCamp said...

I know-seriously! I think it's so weird that people read but don't comment...there's something spooky about that to me. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.