Sunday, December 14, 2008

Funny Seth!

I have a friend whose 3 year old is sick and in the hospital so I got to watch her 2 month old baby today. Have I mentioned how much I absolutely love love love that age (and younger) where they just sleep cuddled up on your chest. AAHHH it is heaven to me. So I spent the whole time just snuggling w/ her. And it was just as good as I remembered. And of course all of my kids LOVED her. They all took turns holding her and holding the bottle while I fed her. It was all very very sweet. So after Eliott came home from church, he and I were talking and I said something to the effect of "we like babies in this house" and Seth busts in w/ "LITTLE babies" so we had a good laugh about that. and then when a friend came to pick her up from our house she brought over some goodies. After she left and tears were shed by Lexi (because the baby left) I told her, "but look she came and took the baby but she brought us some cookies!!!" and Seth says "wow, we made a good trade mom!!"


Brimhall Bunch said...

Cookies or ANOTHER little sister? Hmmm can't say I blame him!

Kathryn Olsen said...

Seth cracks me up! What a great big brother:)

Tawni said...

that is funny!

Kristine said...

that IS a very good trade. So funny!

Erica said...

I love what kids say! SO cute

Anonymous said...

how stinking cute is that...