Sunday, May 29, 2011

A bit of sewing...

I have been doing some sewing lately and I love it!! We had a few birthday parties in May that the girls were invited to but of course I didn't have a gift or time to get one. So I went digging through my stash to find something suitable and came up w/ a couple super cute aprons. I made one that was red w/ white polka dots and a white ruffle. And the other one was this cute little cupcake one!! I am in love w/ them and want to make some cute ones for my girls and possibly for my Etsy shop. That isn't quite up and running yet!!


With it being graduation and all I have 6 laurels leaving! (graduating seniors that are in my class at church). So for a gift we decided to make aprons and recipe books for the girls. They are seriously cute. I make things for other people all the time but somehow I never end up making anything for myself. After making these aprons I have decided which cute ones I want for myself! I made 6 aprons (one not pictured because we had to give it to her early because she was going to be gone for 2 months) and out of the 6 only 2 were the same. So I had 5 different ones to choose from. This 1st one is sooo cute! I found the tutorial online and I am in love with it and  I think I will make one for me!

This one is one that I made after making the cute little girl ones. I am sure I saw it somewhere but I have no idea. It is just put together from different ideas that were floating around my head! This is the other one that I am gonna make for me!  I think I might even use the same fabric cuz it is seriously cute!!

This one I made for our girls camp fundraiser auction. People seemed to like it so I made this one for one of the other girls.
The next 2 I saw a picture of and tried to recreate it.

This one is the shortest of all and of course it is for the tallest girl so I am gonna go add a ruffle to the bottom to give it some more length. I am thinking a black ruffle will be cute.

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

A little late

I don't use a pattern to sew but I really wanted to feel like I could. So the week before Easter I decided to tackle dresses for the girls. We all went to Joann's and I let them each pick out their fabric. Which was actually alot of fun! And then I got to sewing! I finished the dresses the day before Easter. I think they turned out super cute. And the girls LOVED them!! I love all the happy twirling and posing! I may even tackel a pattern again. But I still kinda prefer making my own!

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